“The typical American is responsible for 10 tons of CO2 emissions annually via their home, cars and air travel, and about 23 tons of CO2 via their purchases and activities. While most people can reduce their climate footprints by using energy more efficiently and buying high mileage cars, we strongly support taking the extra step of offsetting events. Carbon offsets are a simple, affordable way to reduce the remainder of your climate footprint.” -Earth Day Network
Carbon offsets provide ways for individuals or organizations to invest in green projects aimed at reducing, avoiding, or trapping CO2 in the atmosphere to counteract the carbon dioxide emissions they produce. Many programs have sprung up to allow people to reduce their climate impact and help slow global warming. Most offset companies have online programs to calculate your carbon emissions.
The programs are relatively new, and vary in quality and standards.
Sites that evaluate and rank Carbon Offset Companies:
While carbon offsets can ease the guilt of our environmental impact, there is still much to do to reduce our energy use by changing our consumption habits.
- AP 'Column: What Are Carbon Offset Programs?" 3/27/07
- Sustainable Travel Info
- Native Engergy
- The Climate Trust
- Carbon Fund
- Earth Day Network
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