Monday, February 15, 2010

Take Action to Save USFS Urban Forestry Programs

"The Alliance for Community Trees is joining together with 15 national organizations to support a strengthening of the U.S. Forest Service's Urban and Community Forestry Program (U&CF) in the President's FY 2011 federal budget.
This year, we hope that many state, regional, and local organizations and city mayors will help carry this advocacy message to their federal elected officials. Your support strengthens the case for preserving the Urban and Community Forestry Program and improving the program's ability to assist communities of all sizes, nationwide."

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Trees speed the sale of a home

"Studies conducted around the country confirm this, but any realtor will tell you that trees can increase the value of a home. In fact, property values of homes with trees in the landscape are 5-20% higher than equivalent properties without trees and just adding a few trees can increase the sales price of homes by 1% and speed the sale of a home by four to six weeks.
Adding trees in just 4,000 yards could increase homes sales by a combined estimated $10.4 million."

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