Remember when all you needed to find someone was an address or phone number? Now we have choices, and lots of them- Office phone, cell phone, nextel, fax, email, texting...
You would think will all these choices it would make it easier to communicate!
From the New York Times July 12, 2007 article ‘Let’s Talk. Let Me Outline the Ways’ By Lisa Belkin:
“Time was when making contact meant finding someone’s phone number and dialing. You might connect with your party; you might leave a message. But you had done all you could. Now contact means decoding the quirks of the person in question, the better to predict how to actually get your message through.”
- “I typically check this voice mail less frequently than I do my office number”
- “I don’t check messages here too often, so if you want to reach me in a timely fashion please e-mail me.”
- “I prefer to be contacted on my cellphone, It is immediate, and it is always with me.”
- “Don’t have [a cellphone], don’t want one, I would do everything by e-mail if I could.”
- E-mail “can be blocked by spam filters, Phone is the only way to go.”
- “It used to be e-mail, but thanks to spam filters, e-mail has gotten so unreliable”
To make it more complicated “...another unpredictable factor in the what’s-the-best-way-to-reach-you game: we all tend to change our minds“
Thankfully, we have a database program to keep track of our contacts and Communication Preferences. We want you to get what you want, when and how you want it, and it’s okay if you change your mind, just let us know!
You can call the office, or leave a voicemail, or send a fax, or drop a letter, or send an
email, or fill out a form on our
website, or stop by...